Wednesday, May 22, 2019

I wish to be my best friends perfect BFF

lets just say the next time you make a wish make sure you leave out the part to be like your best friend who is a blonde bimbo but that's ok now since your a bimbo to now.


I wish to make my friend see's how hard it is to be a single mother

Your friend Jack would always get mad when there were a single mothers around, So you deicide to summon Magic Trick and wish for Jack to see how hard it is to be a single mother. its been 3 months and Jackie/Jack ended up marring you and you two are happy together and soon you'll have two twins on the way.

I wish to spend more time with my Daughter

You felt like you and your daughter were drifting apart since you work all the time so you decide Magic Trick and Wished to spend more time with his daughter. And with a flash you became his daughters new twin sister. Hey now you can spend all the time you want now.

Monday, May 20, 2019

I wish to be to get more attention at my work

You always got mad since no one ever paid attention to you. And when you spent an entire year working your butt off to get a promotion your boss gave it to the slut of the office. So you deicide to summon Magic Trick to make a wish..."Magic Trick I wish to Get more attention than the office slut Janet!" And with a flash you became Sally the new Office slut, Sure your a bimbo but your also now your bosses new Personal Sectary. Have fun with your new Life, Im sure you'll be getting a lot of attention now.


I wish to be a great dancer

You were never really good at dancing so when you summoned MAgic Trick, you ask him "I wish to be a Great Dancer like my Girlfriend!" And with a flash you find your self in a dance studio but not any dance studio the same 1 as your girlfriend, but while looking around you hear your BFF call you saying "Come on Jane were about to practice your big part!" You nodded and walk over.

(your Girlfriend became your BFF and you forgot everything of your past life.)


I wish to be with my mom again

You miss your mom, sure you two weren't really close but when she died in that car accident you felt empty with out her. So you ask Magic Trick...."I wish for my mom to be alive and for us to be really close!" And with a flash you wish was granted when you open your eyes you realized your back in your childhood home but everything looks brand new that's when you look into the mirror and to your horror you've became your mom and not only that you became pregnant with yourself, (basically MT swap yours and your mothers lives') have fun being pregnant in the 90s.


Sunday, May 19, 2019

I wish to be stress/care free!

You've been very stress recently, you then recalled the days when you didn't have to worry about work and you could just play just like your daughter who just turned 3. So when you apporch Magic T, You wish to be Carefree and chill like your daughter....But then realize that MT is a  trickster genie. You tried to stop your self from saying your wish but it was to late with a flash you regress to a 3 year old little girl, Better yet you became your daughters twin. You tried to remember what you were doing but all you could think about was playing dress-up with your sister and play with dollies.

Enjoy your new life as your daughter sister. Now your wife has to raise to children.


I wish to see my Ex again!

You miss spending time with your Ex. So you wished to see her again and with a flash u awaken to see your self in your ex'es bathroom only for you to look at the mirror to see that you became her and in just a few moments you'll think like her. Have fun with your new life.


I wish to be in the Wild West!

You always like the Wild west so you wished to live in the Wild west! and with a flash you were there in a Cowboy outfit then you felt a little tingle and then poof you became Kissing Jane. The most fear Outlaw Cowgirl in the whole west.


I wish to be hot Girl!

You ask Magic T for a hot girl! Then a white flash happen and poof you became a Super hot  Chick!
Next time don't make a wish with a trickster genie.


Saturday, May 18, 2019

I wish to be on TV

You were sick of being a background actor and you always wish to be a main star. So you ask Magic T " I wish to be on TV" And with a flash you suddenly you became a really sexy female, then you realize that you now became the new Main star of the Porno that you were part of earlier.
enjoy being the new Actress of every mans favorite Porno channel.


I wish to be a comic character

You Were always a Comic-book nerd and wish you could live in the world of comics. So while dress up in your Spider-man costume you ask Magic T: "I wish to be a person in the Comics of Spider-Man!" So with a flash you find your self in apartment when suddenly a median/ buff man came through the front door and all you can say was "Hello there Tiger!" You now Became Mary-jane forever.

I wish to go back to the Medieval times

Enthralled by the mystique of the Medieval era, you had an unquenchable thirst for tales of knights, castles, and enigmatic lives from the past. With each page turned, your curiosity grew stronger, and you often found yourself lost in the enchanting narratives of a time long gone. You yearned to experience the very essence of that bygone era.

One fateful day, your longing led you to a chance encounter with Magic T, a mystical figure of legend known for their ability to transport people through time and space. Without hesitation, you beseeched them to take you back to the Medieval times, to let you step into the shoes of those who had lived in that age.

With a wave of Magic T's hand and a brilliant flash of light, you found yourself suddenly awakened, standing amidst a lively, bustling square. The vibrant colors of medieval garb swirled around you, and the distant sounds of minstrels and troubadours filled the air. This was it; you had been transported back in time.

But there was a twist to this temporal journey. As you looked around, you realized that you were not just an observer of the past; you had become an integral part of it. In the heart of the medieval village, you were now a central figure, a celebrated presence. The locals hailed you as the most sought-after "Madden" at the local brothel, an enigmatic and captivating character who held the hearts of all who crossed your path.

The men of the village were enthralled by your beauty and charisma, their eyes fixed upon you as if you were a rare gem in a world of rough stones. It seemed that in this alternate reality, you were irresistibly attractive to everyone you encountered.

Yet, a curious and melancholic aspect hung over your newfound life. In this reality, your past was shrouded in a fog of forgetfulness. The memories of your previous existence had all but vanished, leaving you with a haunting enigma of who you once were. You knew not your name, your past, or your aspirations. Instead, the only identity that remained was that of a "Slut" — a role that, despite its popularity, seemed to imprison your true self.

As you navigated the medieval world, basking in your newfound allure, you couldn't help but wonder: Was this life a gift or a curse, and what secrets lay shrouded in the mists of your forgotten past?

I wish to be popular

High school days were a distant memory, a chapter of your life filled with longing and yearning to be someone extraordinary. You couldn't help but feel like a nameless face in the crowd, a nobody in the grand theater of high school existence. Those years had been a rollercoaster of emotions, filled with dreams of popularity and admiration.

One day, you stumbled upon an ancient, enigmatic figure known as Magic T, a mysterious being rumored to grant wishes that transcended the bounds of reality. With trembling anticipation, you approached Magic T and whispered your deepest desire, "I wish to relive my high school years, but this time, I want to be the most popular person there."

In an instant, a dazzling cascade of lights and ethereal energies engulfed you. You felt an exhilarating rush, like being lifted by the wings of a phoenix, soaring through time and space. As the brilliant radiance subsided, you found yourself standing at the entrance of your high school, but this time, the world had transformed.

Now, you were the unequivocal star of the show. The whispers and gazes that once eluded you now followed your every move. It wasn't because you possessed the typical attributes of high school popularity – it was your heart that radiated a rare and captivating charm. You had become the go-to person, the confidant for everyone's secrets and dreams.

The reason behind your newfound popularity wasn't rooted in superficiality; it was your genuine kindness and empathetic nature that endeared you to all. You were that extraordinary individual who had an uncanny ability to help anyone cool off and find solace in the midst of the teenage turmoil. It was as though your aura carried the soothing powers of a thousand cool breezes on a scorching summer day.

In this enchanting new high school experience, you discovered that the path to popularity had taken an unexpected turn. Instead of chasing hollow dreams of status, you had found that the most cherished form of popularity came from helping others and being the kind-hearted soul that everyone turned to in their moments of need. You had become the popular girl with a heart of gold, and it was a role you cherished above all else, making your high school years a truly magical and meaningful experience.


I wish to be on a sports team

Have you ever yearned to partake in the thrilling world of sports, only to find yourself doubting your physical prowess? Imagine this: You stand before the enigmatic figure known as Magic T, with a burning desire in your heart. With a spark of determination in your eyes, you utter, "I dream of being a vital member of a sports team." In an instant, a dazzling burst of magic surrounds you, and you're transformed into a strapping, muscular quarterback with the strength of a charging bull. 

But as the world spins around you, you suddenly feel your consciousness slipping away, like a flickering flame in the wind. When you finally regain awareness, you find yourself in a completely unexpected scenario. Gone is the football field and the quarterback's uniform. Instead, you stand on the hallowed turf, now a captivating and powerful presence. You are not just any player; you are the newly anointed Captain of an all-girl football team, a role that carries immense responsibility and the potential for glory. Your journey into the realm of sports has taken an extraordinary and unforeseen twist.


I wish to be part of team

Once upon a time, in a world where solitude was the norm for our protagonist, a yearning for belonging consumed their heart. They gazed upon the stars, whispering wishes to the enigmatic Magic T, a mystical entity that could grant the deepest desires of the heart.

"I wish to be more than a lone wanderer," they implored, their voice carrying the weight of longing. And in a shimmering burst of mystical energy, they found themselves in a place that could only be described as enchanting.

In the blink of an eye, our lone wolf was no longer alone. They stood in a locker room, surrounded by vibrant colors and the gleam of uniforms, as a cheerful hum of excitement filled the air. But then, as they glanced at the clock on the wall, realization dawned like a sudden burst of sunlight through the clouds. "Oh no!" they exclaimed, panic flashing across their face. "I'm totally going to be late for Cheerleader Practice!"

And so began their unexpected journey into the world of cheerleading, where a wish for belonging led to a whirlwind of spirited routines, sparkling pom-poms, and friendships that would light up their life in ways they had never imagined.


I wish to be Famous

In the realm of dreams and whispered desires, you harbored one singular wish: to escape the shadow of anonymity and bask in the radiant glow of fame. It was a yearning that stirred your soul, an unquenchable thirst to be recognized and celebrated. You couldn't help but feel like a mere whisper in the cacophony of life, yearning to find your voice in a world that barely knew you existed.

In your quest to escape the clutches of obscurity, you embarked on a surreal and extraordinary journey. You sought out the enigmatic Magic T, a mystic known for granting the most fantastical of wishes. With a heart pounding with anticipation, you beseeched Magic T to transform you into a figure of renown, a luminary whose name would echo through the annals of history.

And then, in the blink of an eye, it happened. A blinding flash of ethereal light enveloped you, and when it dissipated, you were no longer the unremarkable nobody you once were. You had transformed into none other than Emma Watson, the iconic Hermione Granger from the enchanting world of Harry Potter.

But as you stepped into this new, bewitching identity, something peculiar happened. You began to see the world through Emma's eyes, to feel her experiences, and to walk in her shoes. As the enchantment settled around you like a silken cloak, you realized that your former self was fading into the mists of memory. Your past life dissolved like morning mist, and the memories of your previous existence slipped away like grains of sand through your fingers.

Now, you were Emma Watson, and the world knew you as such. The past was an enigma, a whisper in the wind, and you embraced your new life with the grace and poise of a true celebrity. In this mesmerizing twist of fate, you had achieved the fame you so ardently desired, but it came at the cost of losing your former self forever. The enchantment had woven its magic, and you were destined to live as Emma Watson, the beloved star, for all eternity.


I wish to have a baby

Picture a story of deep love and unfulfilled dreams, where you and your devoted partner shared a burning desire to cradle your very own bundle of joy. Alas, fate had played its cards, leaving your boyfriend without the essential "soldiers" to embark on the exhilarating journey of parenthood. The relentless longing in your hearts led you both on an extraordinary quest to the enigmatic Magic T, the mysterious and powerful custodian of wishes.

In a moment that would forever alter the course of your lives, Magic T granted your fervent request. An enchanted aura enveloped you, and you found yourselves transported back to the familiar comfort of your home. Yet, reality took an astonishing twist, as your boyfriend inexplicably vanished into thin air, leaving you bewildered and alone.

As you gazed into a mirror, a sense of wonder mixed with apprehension coursed through your veins. What you saw was nothing short of a fantastical marvel: your reflection revealed a pregnant you, a glowing expectant mother, a gestation period miraculously condensed into a mere moment. The world was left breathless in the wake of this wondrous transformation, an undeniable testament to the magic that had been woven into your very being.

With a heart full of anticipation, you couldn't contain the thrill that washed over you, knowing that in just a short while, you would welcome your cherished daughter into the world. A brand-new chapter of life was about to unfold, as you eagerly prepared to embrace the joys and challenges of motherhood, accompanied by the whispers of enchantment and mystery that had become an integral part of your extraordinary tale.

I wish to be a pirate

From the depths of your heart's deepest desires, a yearning took root, a yearning to become the stuff of legends. You dreamed of being a swashbuckling pirate of the Seven Seas, sailing the high seas during the tumultuous age of pirates. And so, on a fateful day, with a gleam of hope and a sprinkle of daring, you summoned Magic T, the enigmatic sorcerer of dreams and desires.

With unwavering resolve, you gazed into the eyes of this mystical being and spoke with conviction, "Magic T, I beseech thee, make me the most remarkable and fearless pirate that the world has ever seen! Grant me the title of Jane, The Pirate Queen, a name that shall echo through the ages."

The very air seemed to quiver with anticipation as Magic T, with a flourish of cosmic energy, granted your heartfelt wish. In an instant, you were transformed into Jane, The Pirate Queen, a force to be reckoned with upon the tempestuous seas. Your reputation as a fierce and audacious captain quickly spread, but that wasn't all. You found yourself entwined in a captivating tale of love and rivalry as you became the ex-lover of the infamous Black Bred, a pirate whose name sent shivers down the spines of all who heard it.

Under the vast expanse of the sky, your journey as Jane The Pirate Queen was filled with adventure, intrigue, and a love story as tempestuous as the oceans themselves. The world would come to know your name, forever associating it with a legend that transcended time, an enigmatic figure of daring and passion.


I wish to be a part of a girls slumber party

Have you ever found yourself curious about the intriguing world of girly slumber parties? Well, imagine this: you, in a moment of whimsy, seek the counsel of Magic T, a mystical entity known for granting peculiar wishes. As you utter the words, "I wish to experience the mystique of an all-girl slumber party," a dazzling flash transports you into a scene of enchantment.

Suddenly, you're no longer an observer but a participant, immersed in the heart of a gathering of vibrant college girls, each adorned in their delicate undergarments. The room buzzes with laughter and secrets shared in hushed tones, and you can't help but feel the thrilling energy that permeates the air. As you glance down, your eyes widen with astonishment and, with a mix of confusion and amusement, you exclaim, "Like oh my gosh, who absconded with my bra?"

In this dreamlike scenario, you find yourself navigating a world where the boundaries of reality and fantasy blur, and you become an unexpected character in the midst of a magical slumber party, the likes of which you had only dared to wonder about.


I wish to be hot

You summon Magic T, hoping for a sizzling transformation, and he eagerly obliges. In a whirlwind of sparkles and shimmering light, your desire takes form, but it's not quite what you expected. As the enchantment wraps around you, you don't just become hot; you are utterly and irresistibly bewitching. With every step, your presence radiates an irresistible allure, your every move dripping with an enigmatic sensuality. This newfound allure transforms you into a tantalizing enigma, leaving those around you utterly captivated by your charm and charisma. You have become the embodiment of allure itself, an enchanting enigma that enchants all who cross your path.

I wish to alethic

You beckoned to Magic T, seeking a transformation towards a heightened state of athleticism. To your surprise, the enchanting entity granted your wish, but the results defied your expectations. You didn't become a mighty male as you envisioned; instead, you emerged as a resolutely powerful and alluring female. Well, at least now you're an irresistibly captivating fitness guru.


I wish to be younger

You implored Magic T to grant you the gift of youth, but in an unexpected twist, your plea stirred his ire. In a whimsical display of his enchanting powers, MT transformed you into an adventurous, wide-eyed four-year-old girl. Embrace this enchanting journey!


I wish to have a Family

You approach Magic T with an earnest plea, "Grant me the gift of a family!" In response, he conjures a spell, and a surge of enchantment courses through you, making your entire being feel like it's sparkling. Suddenly, your reality transforms, and you find yourself in the midst of a profound transformation. You're not just about to become a mother; you're about to embark on an extraordinary journey as a single parent, with not one, not two, but three precious little ones on the way – a remarkable trio of life about to bloom.



Greetings, dear traveler, for I am the enigmatic MAGIC TRICK, and today, I invite you to step into my whimsical realm. Ah, it seems you've ventured here before – a daring soul indeed. Now, I sense that you may be experiencing the familiar stirrings of boredom or perhaps a tinge of melancholy. Or, could it be that an insatiable curiosity drives you to glimpse alternate dimensions and timelines, to witness lives unlived?

Whichever your reason, know this: you stand at the threshold of possibilities. Yet, heed my words, for I am not your ordinary genie or god; I am a Trickster of unparalleled cunning. Tread lightly, for in this domain, your wishes may lead you down unforeseen paths, where the line between trick and treat is ever so fine.

(I do not own any of these Pics/gifs.)

I wish to have a Family-

I wish to be younger-

I wish to alethic-

I wish to be hot-

I wish to be a part of a girls slumber party-

I wish to be a pirate-

I wish to have a baby-

I wish to be Famous-

I wish to be part of team-

I wish to be on a sports team-

I wish to be popular-

I wish to go back to the Medieval times-

I wish to be a comic character-

I wish to be on TV-

I wish to have a hot Girl!-

I wish to be in Wild West-

I wish to see my Ex again-

I wish to be stress/care free!-

I wish to be with my mom again-

I wish to be a great dancer-

I wish to be to get more attention at my work-

I wish to spend more time with my Daughter-

I wish to make my friend see's how hard it is to be a single mother-

I wish to be my best friends perfect BFF-

I wish to get a Job-

I wish I was a hot Newsperson-

I wish to be the most Popular-

I wish to get into my Ex-GF pants-

I wish there were more hot girls-

I wish to see more Harem Dancers-

I wish to have the power to turn people into Sexy Blondes-

I wish how it feels to be a sexy lady-

I wish you knew how hard it is to be a porn star-

I wish the Judges change there minds about me!-
Don't Worry there's more to come!